Cabillaud en sauce marinade Teriyaki, grillé au BBQ

durée totale 35 min.
5 min. temps de préparation
20 min. temps de marinade
10 min. temps de cuisson

La douceur d’une sauce marinade Teriyaki rencontre le fondant d’un filet de poisson blanc grillé, qu’on accompagnera volontiers de poireaux marinés dans la même sauce. Et en plus, le temps de marinade n’est que d’une demi-heure !


2 portions
300 g
de filet de cabillaud
125 ml
de vin blanc sec
branches de thym
1 càs
de zeste de citron
1 bouquet
d'oignons nouveaux
1 càs
d'huile d'olive
Poivre à votre convenance

Facultatif (mais délicieux)

1 bouquet
mini poireaux
Données nutritionnelles (par portion): 2172 kJ  /  543 kcal
15 g Matières grasses
62 g Protéines
44 g Glucides


Étape 1

Divide the cod into even portions. Mix the wine with 3 tablespoons of Teriyaki BBQ Sauce With Honey, thyme, lemon zest, sliced spring onions and olive oil.

Étape 2

Season the fish with pepper and then pour the wine marinade over it. Put aside for 30-60 minutes to marinate.

Étape 3

Cut baby leeks in half.

Étape 4

Grill the fish and the leeks on a high temperature preheated surface for around 3-5 minutes on each side, brushing with the remaining marinade from time to time.

Étape 5

Chop the dill.

Étape 6

Serve the grilled cod with leeks and fresh dill.

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Divide the cod into even portions. Mix the wine with 3 tablespoons of Teriyaki BBQ Sauce With Honey, thyme, lemon zest, sliced spring onions and olive oil.

Season the fish with pepper and then pour the wine marinade over it. Put aside for 30-60 minutes to marinate.

Cut baby leeks in half.

Grill the fish and the leeks on a high temperature preheated surface for around 3-5 minutes on each side, brushing with the remaining marinade from time to time.

Chop the dill.

Serve the grilled cod with leeks and fresh dill.

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